27 novembris, 2009

Šāds te jauks darba sludinājums! :)

$15/h +. Computer technician wanted. Must speak Russian. (Vancouver)

Date: 2009-11-26, 10:14PM PST
Reply to: job-acnz2-1483563541@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


$15/h +. Computer technician wanted. Must speak Russian.

V magazin computerov trebuetsia postoyanniy rabotnik.

40h/week, must be able to work variable shifts if needed or Sat and Sun.

$15/h (based on $10 base salary+commissions, easy comes up to $15..$18 and we'll prove it at the interview)

Primernie obiazannosti: computer sales, customer consulting, computer repairs,
general help (multitasking)

Idealniy kandidat eto:
-Svobodniy razgovorniy English (nujzno mnogo govorit' s customers i po telefonu).
-Obiazatelen opit v nastroike ili sborke computerov ili remonte. Certificates A+ or any other useless papers are NOT necessary :). Glavnoe chtobi bill realniy opit s computers.
-Energichniy, otvetstvenniy, rabotosposobniy chelovek.
-Zelatelen opit v customer service. (Eto ne obiazatelno no esli est' takoy opit to ukazjite)

Nam nujzen chelovek kotoriy hochet i mojzet rabotat' i zarabativat'
i kotoromu nujzna perspectiva i postoyannoe mesto raboti (must be motivated)

Pishite otvet i ukajzite gde rabotali i uchilis' or attach you resume s telefonom i mi perezvonim.

Our Store locations: Coquitlam, North Vancouver, Downtown (ability to work in any location is an asset)

Rabota s 9AM do 6PM (may vary)

please email me if any questions

•Location: Vancouver
•Compensation: 15+
•Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
•Please, no phone calls about this job!
•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

2 komentāri:

  1. Piedāvājums tiešām vilinošs it ipaši ja esi IT cilvēks, kuram nu noteikti negribās sevi piepūlēt ar grīdu mazgāšanu, strādāšanu noliktavā vai kaut ko tik pat "interesantu" ko bieži vien nākas darīt sākumā, kad esi izbraucis uz laimīgajām zemēm :)

  2. tu jau nemaki krievu valodu un datorus ar neparzini!!!
